In the early 20th century, a young craftsman named Peter, who lived with his mother at Cirencester in UK would love to protect his only loved one in the world from suffering of cold in the frozen winter. He was devoted himself into researching and developing of heating devices which would be unique and benefit for the old and weak people. Peter did a painstaking study of various kinds of materials that is related to heating and kept practicing all possibly ways to fulfill the target. Finally, he succeeded and made the heating materials heat the floor evenly reaching the goal of making the room warm.
With the marvelous and born-for-love invention of heating system, Peter’s old mother was far away from the invasion and suffering of cold in winter, but warm, comfort and love instead. The news came to the Royal who showed positive view and adopted the heating system from then on. With the love of family affection and devotion, Peter’s heritors keep working and promoting the heating system and found .
Going through the witness and changes of time, Cirencester still stands there in the process of history. The warm which is brought by innovational workmanship has been the symbol of the Royal elegance and dignity. With the transferring of brand culture and belief in quality by generations, now becomes the most famous heating system manufacturer in UK.
舒适 卫生 健康
节约空间 美化居室
周一至周五: 08:00am - 09:00pm
周六至周日: 09:00am - 10:00pm
法定节假日: 09:00am - 11:00pm